Monday, November 22, 2010

Coats, Coats, Coats, Coats!!

More coats for the children at the
Early Childhood Development Center!
(the former Charles Orr)

Needed are boys sizes: 4/5, 8/10, 10/12, 12/14
Girls: 4/5, 5/6, 7/8, 12/14

You can purchase yourself or donate money and we will shop!
CITW and Ann Drysdale, coordinator Charles Orr project
Coats will be accepted through Sunday, Nov. 28th
Check should be sent to the church, with the by-line "Coats"

Thank-you so much

Hanging of the Greens

You are invited to help decorate the Church for the Christmas Season.
Saturday, Dec. 4th, 2010
East 30th & Euclid Avenue
11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
This traditional event will occur on a Saturday afternoon this year.
  • Potluck Luncheon - bring some food to share
  • Help decorate the sanctuary
  • Make some holiday crafts
  • Enjoy a Christmas Carol Sing

Join in the Fun and Fellowship!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pentecost, May 23 - New members will be received

Classes and orientation for new members will be held at 5:30 PM on the 10th and 19th of May, in preparation for joining the church on May 23rd. The classes will be held at the Church office, 9411 Euclid Avenue. Please contact the church office for more information.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Mailing Address for EACC

Effective immediately both the office and mailing address for the church is:

Euclid Avenue Congregational Church
9411 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44106-2044

Phone: 216-791-5200

The Post Office Box previously used is no longer valid, nor is the 9606 Euclid Avenue address.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Church Office Address

The new church office for the next year is

9411 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106

It is located in the same business plaza as the Chicago Deli and Cedarland Restaurant.  At the moment there are several designated parking spots for members visiting the office.  After completion of the demolition of the former church building, parking for the office will be on the church property across Euclid Avenue.

Note that the address above is NOT to be used for mail service. Please use this address for all mail to the church:

P.O. Box 181430, Cleveland Hts, OH 44118

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Transitional Steering Team Meeting

The Transitional Steering Team will meet at Pastor Terri’s house on Monday, April 12, at 7:00 p.m.

Mail For All Ministry Leaders and Committees

Until May 1st mail can be picked up on Fridays, from 12 noon until 1:00p.m at the E. 94 Street office. Six parking spaces are reserved for Euclid Avenue members.

Please call the church office prior to coming.

All-Church Gathering for Heritage and Healing, Sunday, April 25

All members are asked to attend and bring a side dish. A sign-up sheet will be in the Dining hall. The purpose of this gathering is to come together in small groups to inventory what was lost in the fire and to grieve. Members of the CCF Chaplaincy Department will facilitate the grief process.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Sunday Celebration at Euclid Avenue Congregational Church

Our celebration of Resurrection Sunday will take place on Sunday, April 4, 2010, 10:00 AM, at the First Methodist Church building, E.30th Street at Euclid Avenue.  Parking is available in the lots behind the church between Euclid and Prospect, and across the street from the church on E.30th Street.  A large congregation is expected for this first Easter Sunday in our new temporary location, so come early to get the best options for parking.

The service will feature an inspiring sermon by Interim Pastor Rev. Dr. Terri Young, baptisms, Holy Communion, and festive hymns, organ and choral music, ending with our traditional performance of Handel's "Hallelujah" chorus with voluntary congregational participation.  At the end of the service the church will have its traditional release of "Easter balloons."  There will be a special reception following.

Euclid Avenue Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ is a multi-racial, multi-cultural, Open and Affirming congregation founded in 1843.  All are welcome at all times.

Good Friday Service on April 2, 2010

Good Friday Service will be held at University Circle United Methodist Church located at 1919 E. 107th Street in University Circle. Service will begin at 7:30pm. Pastor Terri Young has been asked to participate in the service.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Publicity for Easter Sunday on WCLV

Thanks to our friend and EACC Chancel Choir member Elizabeth Stuart, EACC will be getting a number of free public service announcements on WCLV 104.9 FM during the next few days.  The announcements will advertise our new E 30th Street location and our 10:00 AM Easter morning service, inviting all to attend.

Thanks to Liz and WCLV!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Church bell preserved

The EACC church bell was saved during the fire and subsequent church demolition, as was the large stone slab with the engraved church name that was on the Euclid Avenue face of the church.  Both artifacts are now safely in storage compliments of Milano Monuments in Cleveland.  We are grateful to that company for this offer of safe storage.

Monday, March 29, 2010

EACC Prayer and Healing Services Continue

Prayer and Healing services will continue for the forseeable future at the Cleveland Clinic Chapel. They will be Wednesdays at 12:45 PM and generally last about a half hour. 

For this Wednesday, March 31, 2010, we will have the services of a grief support team from the Clinic following our worship time together---and perhaps next week as well. Anyone who attends these services will receive a parking voucher. Park in any Clinic garage and ask directions to the Chapel. Easiest access is through the 96th Street door. Take a left and continue down the hall; it is at the end of the hall.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Join us for worship on Sunday

Euclid Avenue Congregational Church welcomes all people to worship with us this Sunday, March 28, 2010, at 10:00 AM, at the First United Methodist Church, East 30th Street at Euclid Avenue, in downtown Cleveland.

We will be celebrating Palm Sunday and welcome all who are looking for a church home.

Please join us!

A message from the Early Childhood Development Center ("Charles Orr School")

The following message to the church was forwarded by Ann Drysdale:

From: Sommer Edwards
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 1:36 PM
To: Drysdale, Ann E. (VHACLE)

Good Afternoon Ann,

Please know that our staff and families are aware of your great loss. We understand the significance in the loss of The Euclid Avenue Congregrational Church building, as it is filled with so much history and memories.

You all have done so much for our school family, offering valuable time, money, gifts, and various donations of food and clothing that we just want to extend our hands of support to you and your church family at this difficult time. We ask that you keep in touch with us and let us know what we can do to help. Please find comfort in knowing that our thoughts and prayers are with all of you, wishing you peace and strength.  

God Bless,

Ms. Sommer L. Edwards, Principal
The Early Childhood Development Center
9711 Lamont Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44106
Office: (216) 231-4416
Fax: (216) 231-4294

"The primary goal of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District is to become a premier school district in the United States of America"

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services

Our Maundy Thursday Service will be at Plymouth UCC, 2860 Coventry Road, Shaker Hts., at 6:00pm, with the Plymouth Church congregation. Join us on Thursday for our annual commemoration of the death of Christ and again on Sunday morning at the First United Methodist church building as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Good Friday Service will be held at University Circle United Methodist Church located at 1919 E. 107th Street in University Circle. Service will begin at 7:30pm. Pastor Terri has been asked to participate in the service.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday Fun

Saturday Fun programs will continue as scheduled, with a trip to the Akron Zoo, and the Easter Egg hunt moved to Cheryl Wacasey's back yard.  Contact Cheryl Wacasey for more information

Church Communications

Church mail can be sent to P.O. Box 181430, Cleveland Hts, OH 44118.  Mail sent to the 9606 Euclid Avenue address will be forwarded.

Church email addresses will continue to be the same.

Church staff are working with AT&T to have our telephone numbers re-directed.  Stay tuned for more information.

Church Services on Palm Sunday and Easter

For the near future, particularly Palm Sunday, March 28, and Easter Sunday, April 4, the congregation of Euclid Avenue Congregational Church of the United Church of Christ will worship at the building of the First United Methodist Church at the corner of East 30th Street and Euclid Avenue.  There is parking south of the building near Prospect.  The services will be at the regular time of 10:00 AM, with adult Bible study as usual one hour before the service.  Church school will also be held.

There will be no Maundy Thursday or Good Friday services this year.

Longer term plans will be forthcoming.

Worship service and meeting

There will be a worship service and congregational meeting for the EACC church family this evening, March 23, 2010, 7:00 PM, at Mt. Zion United Church of Christ, 10723 Magnolia Drive, Cleveland, OH 44106-1793.


Dear Members and Friends of EACC,
We have set up this blog as a quick and easy way to communicate electronically during this time of transition.  Please check frequently for updates, since the church's situation is likely to change frequently over the next few days and weeks.

Best regards,
Tim Robson
EACC Director of Music
and Blogger pro tem