Friday, September 2, 2011


Come to John and Kathy Baker’s house on Friday, September 30 at 5PM for a picnic, weather permitting, and an evening spent with friends. The Bakers will provide beverages and a lake view; EACC members are asked to bring a potluck dish and their favorite game to share, anything from gin rummy to corn hole. Bring the game that you enjoyed as a kid – even if you’re still a kid. Please let the Bakers know if you’re planning to come.


Our D.I.V.E. (Devotion, Imagination, Vision and Expectation) sessions will resume on Wednesday, September 28, with meetings held both at noon at 9411 Euclid and at 7PM at 3000 Euclid. We will be continuing our discussions and discernment of what God is calling our congregation to be and do.


The Congregation of Euclid Avenue Congregational Church will be holding one of its regularly scheduled meetings on Sunday, October 2, immediately after worship. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a committee responsible for nominating church officers for 2012. The New Beginning Committee will also be reporting on the work they’ve done over the summer in their search for a new home for our church family.


Come to Homecoming, and bring someone – maybe several someones – with you! That’s the message from those who are planning this event which will take place in our sanctuary and parking lot on Sunday, September 18, starting at 10 AM.

First, worship, featuring our own Pastor Courtney Clayton Jenkins and also the music of our Whomsoever Will Choir, made up of members of our Chancel Choir, our Gospel Choir, and anyone else who would like to sing! Any and all are welcome to be a part of this choir. (Rehearsal will be at 7PM, Wednesday, September 7, and on the 14th immediately following the Vision Conference service. See Carolyn Smith for more information.)

Then troop out to the parking lot for music, games, face painting, balloon animals, a mini-health fair, and good conversation. The music will be a special Euclid Avenue Congregational Church mix that represents all of us. Help us create this mix: no later than September 11, write down the name of 3 of your all-time favorite songs (doesn't have to be religious) and email that list to the church office or give it to Charlene, Adrienne or Shkenya.

And of course there will be food! Chicken, Hawaiian meatballs, vegetarian lasagna, salads, breads, and beverages will be provided. Members are asked to bring fruit, nuts, or other dessert foods.

Anyone who would like to help with set up, join us on Sept. 17 from 1-5 AND we will be looking for help with clean-up on Sunday afternoon Sept. 18 after the party. Speak to Shkenya, Noreen, Madge, or Charlene.

Please dress casually and comfortably, and be prepared to have a relaxing good time!


EACC’s fall vision conference, “Preparing Workers for the Harvest,” will feature the preaching of Dr. David A. Davis, the senior pastor of Nassau Presbyterian Church and a professor of preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary. He was Pastor Courtney Clayton Jenkins’ teacher when she was a student there. He will be helping us prepare for Homecoming and the months ahead in enlarging both our church membership and our sense of purpose and commitment.

Each of the three evenings at 7PM, Monday September 12th, Tuesday September 13th and Wednesday September 14th, he will lead us in worship. Each night we have invited another congregation to worship with us and provide the music for our 1-hour worship experience. We are urged to bring friends, neighbors, and co-workers with us.

Dr. Davis has published a collection of sermons entitled A Kingdom You Can Taste. In recent years he has preached to congregations in South Africa, the Samuel Proctor Child Advocacy Conference of the Children’s Defense Fund, the Calvin Symposium for Worship, and on the campuses of Harvard and Duke University.


Sunday worship Scripture readings and sermons during “Septemberfest” will focus on church growth, both in faith and in numbers. Early in the month Pastor Jenkins will be launching Operation Andrew.

Andrew, as our Sunday School children would be able to tell you – or soon surely will be – was one of the fishermen whom Jesus called away from their nets saying, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Remembering Andrew and in preparation for Homecoming, during worship in early September Pastor Jenkins will be asking us to write the names of those people that we would like to see in our sanctuary on Homecoming and possibly on many Sundays after that, and to place those names in the nets surrounding the altar. During the week then we will be calling and talking to the people whose names are in the nets, so that on Homecoming Sunday, September 18, our sanctuary will be full not of names but of worshipers, and we will have become, like Andrew, fishers of men (and women and children). Operation Andrew will not end then, of course, but it will be off to a good start.

Contributing to the spirit of Operation Andrew will be “Vitality Sunday,” September 11, when Rev. Dr. David Schoen, Team Leader for Congregational Vitality and Discipleship for the United Church of Christ, will be preaching on how EACC in particular can become a vital congregation.